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Mental Health & Wellbeing

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At Ripponden J&I School, we understand that positive mental health and wellbeing is paramount in developing happy and well adjusted learners who are successful inside and outside of the classroom. We have ensured that our school is a safe place to express our feelings and emotions and all stakeholders know that it's okay to not feel okay sometimes.  We empower pupils to help self-regulate to be able to better cope with every day challenges and we effectively coordinate with external agencies who are there to help out with life's bigger challenges.

Miss Smith is our Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead.

Sue Rosborough is the link governor.

All staff have a responsibility for mental health and can be approached by anyone to support their children. 


We support the Schools' Toilet Charter

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing
Feeling a little low? Can't quite put your finger on why? Have a look at the 5 ways to wellbeing below to see if there is an area that needs a bit of attention.


We know and understand that under the uncertain times of the Covid pandemic, tensions and anxieties will be running high. Below are a list of different websites that have information about the virus and the effects of its its aftermath and how to talk about it with children. We hope it helps. This website provides advice, information, support and signposting on local and national emotional health and wellbeing services that help children, young people and families who are going through a difficult time.


Round-up of all the resources available on how to talk to children about COVID-19:

Helpful article about how children might exhibit their anxiety symptoms, and what to do about it: → It is geared towards Mums/parents, but there are bits you can take for non-parents. It includes advice around information management, communication, isolation, relationships and happy kids. → Geared towards young people and managing worries around COVID – it has helplines also. → For parents talking to their children about COVID and ten top tips of how to do this

There is a clear link with being more active, taking regular exercise.  having a better diet and improving mental health. Active Health Calderdale has lots of ideas for you to try: 

If anyone is worrying about assessment pressures, Open Minds can help - 

If you are worried about moving between primary school and secondary school, Open Minds can help -

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