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Curriculum Intent

Branch Out Basics.png

While Mrs Lomas is the member of SLT with responsibility for the overall curriculum,

Our Curriculum Coordinators are:

English - Mrs Kenny

Maths - Mrs Lomas

Science - Mrs Hamilton

Computing - Mr Baldwin

History - Mrs Bolton

Geography - Mrs Whitaker

PE - Mrs Lomas

Art - Mrs Kenny

DT - Mrs Kenny

Music - Mrs Hamilton

MFL - Mrs Hamilton

PSHE - Mrs Whitaker

RE - Mr Baldwin

Emotional Health & Wellbeing - Miss Smith

At Ripponden J&I School, we live and work by our vision and ethos ‘Branch Out’. This aims for the entire school community to be well-rounded members of society and we intend to reflect that in our curriculum.


At Ripponden, we plan our curriculum to be broad, balanced and enriched, which allows all of our children to flourish. This will ensure that they enjoy their primary school years and become ready for the next phase of their schooling. We equip our children with the resilience, perseverance and positivity to embrace all the challenges that life will bring. 


We believe that education is not just the academic – that we are educating the next generation to be responsible citizens and this is reflected in the quality and breadth of education we provide. 


To enhance the curriculum, we will:

  • Make the content of our lessons as stimulating and as relevant as possible.

  • Use high-quality texts and literature at the heart of every theme and topic.

  • Invite guests and speakers in to bring the topics to life.

  • Extend learning outside of the classroom whenever practical and possible.

  • Embrace each child as an individual – understand each child’s strengths and channel them and support and nurture areas for development.

  • Encourage problem solving throughout the curriculum and foster positive relationships between children, including from different age groups.

  • Continue and build upon the links between home and school, and work in partnership in order to achieve best outcomes for our children.

  • Develop an understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity in the wider community outside of Ripponden.

  • Make a positive contribution to the school and local community.

  • Foster enquiring minds – encourage our children to ask and solve questions.

  • To prepare our children for a world and for jobs that don’t exist yet.

  • Aim to leave people in a better position than they were when they meet one of our children for the positive impact they leave on them.

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